Abstract submission

Abstract submission must take place via web upload as described in the following.

As a first step, if you do not already have an account from a previous conference using the Scienceconf platform, you must create one.  This may be done very easily and quickly via the following link:


Please take care to enter correctly your e-mail address.  Creation of your account will be confirmed by e-mail from scienceconf.org and will include a link to activate your account.

To submit and manage your abstract submission, you should return to the homepage of the workshop website and login (top right of page).  You will then see that the "MY SPACE - Submissions" option is now available (left hand menu bar).

You now only need to follow a few straightfoward steps to provide the necessary details and upload your abstract (PDF file).  You will receive an e-mail confirming that your abstract has been submitted.

Please note the following:

  • You are requested to use the Latex template files provided below to prepare your abstract.
  • Abstracts are limited to a single A4 page.
  • Only PDF files should be uploaded (ignore the note that your file will be converted to PDF - this function is not active).
  • Note that the command "Choisissez un fichier" = "Chose a file" - ie., the PDF file you wish to upload from your computer. 
  • Please take care to submit your abstract under the most appropriate category (see below) in order that it is reviewed by experts in the field. Note that you should ONLY SELECT ONE CATEGORY.  Moreover, unless you are a invited speaker, do not submit to the " invited speakers (ONLY)" – these submissions will not be reviewed and you will thus not be considered for an oral or poster presentation.
  • Invited Speakers:  please select this category and no others.
  • You will also be asked to select your preference for presentation type - oral or poster.  Those who only wish to be considered for a poster presentation should chose "poster".  






Abstract submission will close on November 18th.

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